Friday, August 21, 2009

Wow has it been that long!!

I can't believe how far behind you can get in the summer time!! Wow!! Well I do have a little more of an excuse but for the most part I'm a slacker!!
As most of you all know we are going to have a baby soon. She is the excuse I'm using for all of the slacking on our blog! We have had some adventures with this little one. I came down with the Fifths Disease or also know as the Human Parvo Virus at the first of June. I got it from Kara and Oakley! It is a childhood rash that you only get once and then your body has built up immunity to it! But I never got it as a child, so I was lucky enough to get it this summer. Usually in adults it runs it course of a rash and some aches and pains then you are good to go. Not the case for the pregnant mom!! I have had months of aches and pains where I walked worse then my 95 and 1/2 year old Grandma, then the doctors sent me to a specialist to have ultra sounds done every week to the baby to make sure she is okay. The virus cause anemia in babies, and when a baby goes anemic for to long it causes brain damage, from the lack of blood cells to the brain. Of course these specialist can't be found in our small town so I have had to travel to Provo each week to have our little one checked out!! She was doing great for some time so we kept our little issue quite hoping we could squeak by and have her not have the virus to bad! Well we weren't so lucky! 3 weeks ago her levels reached the dangerous zone, so they watched her closely and gave me steroids shots, in preparation for the worst, which scared me to death! We ended up having to do a blood transfusion to the baby almost 2 weeks ago to help bring her levels back to normal! The whole thing went smoothly, so they tell me!! Thank heavens for good drugs! They were able to do that right into her umbilical cord through my stomach! I still can't even believe all they can do, from transfusing the baby, and how the monitor her blood flow through the tiny veins in her little head!! Her new blood will only last for 10-12 days, so this means we will be getting our little one a whole month early!! Wednesday morning we will go in and have a sample taken and see if her lungs are okay and see what we will be dealing with then onto the delivery! I'm excited and scared at the same time! It has been fun to see my baby each week through the ultra sounds and actual watch her grow and not just my belly!! But the roller coaster of emotions has not been fun at all, but we are almost there!!
I need to express my gratitude to all of you for the well wish and all the prayers that have been sent our way! I know that is why we have had things go the way they have! I also have huge thank you to my girls!! They have been my nurses, when I have had my bad days! Oakley has been a huge help to pitch in with the house work and watching Kara, while I have had my appointments! Thank you Oaks, you are the best!! And to Greg for always knowing when I needed him!!
pictures to come later!

So my promise to you and my family is to get our blog back up to date,with our small summer adventures as soon as she is here!! I have some great Kara & Oakley moments I need to share before I forget them!!


Dr. aafb said...

I hope all goes well with the new little one! I have been seeing your facebook posts and wondering what was going on and it was nice to finally get the summary. Best wishes to your family!

ChicChat said...

Congrates Greg and Randie! My mom told me the news today. I hope everything went well and that Randie and the baby are doing good. Keep us posted of her progress. What did you name her?

Mollie said...

Hi Randie! I just wanted to check in with you and see how things are going? I've been thinking a lot about you lately.